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Higher Consciousness Hypnotherapy
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Contact me today to set up an in-person session. If you are unable to meet in person, Skype and FaceTime meetings are also available.

The Smoking Cessation Program is available at a 20% discount. I also offer the discount to veterans, seniors, and low income, as well as a sliding scale and multiple sessions discount.

Here are five important things you need to know about hypnosis.

  1. It is a common mind state that you have often experienced when driving (if you missed an exit) or watching TV.
  2. There are different levels of hypnosis that are used for different types of issues.
  3. Deeper hypnosis is used for helping you recall and heal trauma.
  4. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness more likened to meditation that can reach past the critical factor of the mind and help you program in important changes.
  5. You get better and go deeper with practice. Usually each succeeding session is about ten times more powerful than the last.

Unlock Your Potential: How Hypnosis Can Help Overcome Anxiety, Stress, and More!

Hypnosis is…

Stop Smoking Program Special

Stop Smoking Program Special

Private effective program for stopping smoking dropped to $480.00 from $720.00. We work on both the habit and the addiction. You will learn ways to reduce cravings, stop impulsive behavior and eliminate these using cutting edge healing techniques. You will be asked to...

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Have Faith in Yourself

Have Faith in Yourself

You matter more than you know and less than you think. Strive to achieve 100% Humility with Yourself, Others, Life and Higher Power if ever you feel embarrassed, stage fright or angry at others. Remember not to take yourself too seriously..no one else does. When it...

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Addressing the Root Causes of Personality Disorders

Addressing the Root Causes of Personality Disorders

I was reading an article in Psychology Today. It was interesting the way so many folks are diagnosed with personality disorders, behavioral disorders and major illness like chronic mental illness. It seems like the field that I fell in love with in my youth is so fond...

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The Secrets to Stop Smoking

The Secrets to Stop Smoking

 I am opening group training to hypnotherapist and hypnotists via teleconferencing. This training helps you to be 100% effective with your clients. If you are a coach or therapist I am beginning to Certify Hypnotists, Master Hypnotists and Hypnotherapists beginning...

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Handling our Anger and Aggression

Handling our Anger and Aggression

Maybe it's time for peace. We are aggressive and we will find a way to take it out on someone. A coworker, our spouse, partner, employee, service worker, or ourselves. Maybe we will be passive/aggressive about it and cross a street in 110 degree heat as slowly as...

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Three Day Tobacco-Free Workshop

Three Day Tobacco-Free Workshop

Hi I'd like to let everyone know I'm doing another Special on my Stop Smoking Program. This one began Sept 21, 2018 and ends Nov 21, 2018. Hey, I used to smoke and I have a sense of how it is to quit. It's funny if you use enough of the right techniques you can do it...

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In addition to helping individuals, I also specialize in helping couples learn how to communicate better, to become more functional as partners and to overcome whatever is up between them, to return to a happier union. As a couple, these patterns and toxic emotions apply just as much as they do to the individual. Your relationship can become your spiritual training ground and also become more peaceful and joyous as you grow. If you overcome your patterns that prevent you from being a better partner then your relationship grows as you grow spiritually.

couple holding hands at sunrise

You may find that intense emotions, unwanted thoughts, challenging situations can make you aware that there is subconscious programming  running beneath the surface of consciousness causing all of this. The reactivity associated with this programming has been referred to as buttons or triggers. These triggers can lead you to the actual unwanted subconscious patterns. You may discover that your own subconscious programming may be creating illness, relationship challenges, weight issues, stimulating usage of chemicals and financial fears. In other words, these patterns may be magnetizing, creating and orchestrating negative circumstances in your life. Once you identify these patterns they can be eliminated. Once they are cleared then the challenging situation often clears as well.

Reimaging Therapy


Domestic Violence Recovery

Sobriety Aftercare

Overcoming Overeating

Alternative Solutions for Substance Abuse

Clearing Toxic Emotions & Phobias

Advanced Energy & Sound Healing


Description of Your Reimaging Course

Reimaging is a pro-active, life-altering program for those serious about sobriety, self improvement, and personal growth. This is a realistic, integrated, guided imagery, process designed to help you clear your limiting subconscious patterns from the Mind/Body/Spirit and reprogram new ones. You are invited to begin achieving more happiness, peace and joy as well as attracting more love, prosperity and success.

This is based on the idea that no real change can happen without first clearing each of the 7 levels of consciousness of preexisting, stored emotional energy. Whether we are addressing issues of chemical dependency, overeating or toxic emotions I have found this to be true. For example, if you just clear emotions you may feel better but you have not addressed the underlying beliefs that created them! Therefore toxic emotional reactions return or old habits return. That is why this approach works so well as one part holistic approach to substance abuse, toxic emotions, and relationship issues.

Having trouble sleeping? Try listening to this free Sleep Soundly audio program and sleep better than you have slept in years. Enjoy! Santosha

Click here to play the Sleep Soundly MP3

Click here to order

Higher Consciousness Hypnotherapy - Wild Flowers


Susan M

When I came to see Santosha I was almost unable to be outside of my house due to trauma I experienced. She cleared my auras and i immediately started to feel better and like i could be around other people. She’s been instrumental in helping me process my truams and fears and i don’t know i’d be without her help. Her intuitive readings have allowed me to contact with my mom who died and get important messages from here. The sound healing has really removed energetic barrier to my healing process. My mental health is so much better becasue i decided to follow my intuition and see Santosha.

Venice M.

Hello, i was seeing Santosha for a number of reasons. To get some clearity on my life. Help me with my issues. I was booked for 5 sessions after my very first session I noticed the second week. That I started to loose weight about 5pounds.As a result of releasing some held in issues which helped open up my chakras?.Which resulted in me lossing wieght and water retention i will share the video of the before and after after a week or two of Santosha hypno sessions. Along with that i needed help boosting my confidence in my musical performance of rapping and creating songs with has increase in drive and creativity and help me eliminate anything that would interfere with me my music projects, performance and focus.

Jennifer C.

Santosha is without a doubt the best counselor, hypnotherapist, reimaging therapist I’ve ever had. She knows how to help in many ways. I trust her empathy and assistance in my person and business affairs.I have worked with her for over 20 years. I am more confident and have been able to balance my life since working with her thanks to her I am here and more capable than ever.

Venice M.

Compassionate, caring, knowledgeable and effective hypnotist! highly recommended using Santosha for variety of issues! I found resolve with many underlying unconscious issues dealing with trauma.

Free Yourself to Live the Kind of Life You Want to Live!

There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving and that’s your own self.
– Aldous Leonard Huxlev

Hours: T-F 11am to 9pm