Reimaging Tool
The Reimaging Tool will transform your life by helping you Re-invent Yourself

Self-care is arguably important. Well, at least once you realize the price of not engaging in self-care. But sometimes self-care seems overwhelming, like it’s too much work in the present to care for our future selves. By the time you reach the point of truly caring about self-care, you may find yourself in crisis and overwhelmed. When addressing your issues feels like the last thing you want to do, you need to focus on the essentials and eliminate the friction or obstacles to caring for yourself.
So much discussion about minimalism and simplification revolves around doing less. Doing less is necessary but partially misses the point of simplifying your life. You want to do less of the wrong things so you can do more of the right things. When you’re overwhelmed, sometimes getting started and figuring out details are the small nuisances blocking your ability to do the right things for yourself.
Reimaging is a comprehensive, seven-level, healing process. As such, it can be used with or as an adjunct to hypnosis and many other alternative health care techniques. As you begin experiencing the Reimaging program, you will experience relief from emotional pain, tendencies, and habits that you may have long carried.
The accompanying Sound Healing Library is available with audio programming containing frequencies to help you move more rapidly through a pathway towards self-mastery. The combinations of frequencies included help you achieve deep levels of relaxation, better focus, and synchronization of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. This synchronization process alone has resulted in reported increases in actual mental capacity for some people. Also, the frequencies alone can help increase serotonin levels, induce light relaxation, and, according to some studies, increase immune response.
The Reimaging Tool was developed to fully support the reimaging process, which allows you to work on your most important personal issues, within the framework of the reimaging methodology. You can get and should get personal counseling sessions from our accredited reimaging professionals, when you first start working with Reimaging. It can be invaluable to ask questions about the various topics involved, as many people are new to the concepts (left and right brain function, chakras and how they impact you when conflicted, how our body can stores tension and cause you real pain, to mention a few). Once you are familiar with the issues involved, you really can use this tool to work further and faster on your own. It allows reimaging counselors to spend their time reviewing your progress and helping you with obstacles, yet having the benefit of your personal progress you can gain using our acclaimed automated application to learn about your self and how to solve your really big problems.
To login to the Reimaging Tool click here, and enjoy.