
Whether you are faced with challenges in regards to body image, chemical dependency, overeating, chronic illness, pain, unhealthy relationships, anger management, blocks to success, blocks to life purpose or blocks to love, Reimaging can heal your challenges and so that you can overcome almost any block and fully empower yourself.

Both of these videos were filmed in 2007, shortly after the first publishing of “Reimaging: Transforming Your Life by Re-Inventing Yourself”.

In this video, Santosha is interviewed by Gina Renee about her book, “Reimaging: Transforming Your Life by Re-Inventing Yourself” on public access TV. She explains how you will benefit by learning about the Reimaging process, how it works and why it is important to learn. Santosha explain common patterns like self-defeat that are part of almost everyone’s repertoire of limiting patterns. Further she explains how if you really want to change, you will need to change every aspect of the pattern or blue print that is creating the problem from the subconscious mind. She delineates common areas of life such as chemical dependencies , communication, relationships, and prosperity issues that are fueled by these old patterns. Reimaging is safe, effective and will work every time if you apply it to the hidden challenges that block forward movement in any aspect of your life.

This video is an exposé by Santosha on the benefits of Reimaging. Here Santosha delineates the different levels clearly explains why Reimaging is a must to learn and why you need this in your repertoire to clear the blocks in the subconscious that keep you from moving from point A to point B in your life. Many areas of our lives are affected by chronically and unconsciously holding onto old limiting patterns. Santosha describes how you will benefit by discovering your own map to the consciousness that is clearly delineated in Reimaging.

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